If the word comes through a prophecy or whether you hear God's voice directly you will need confirmation. It is the "sword of the spirit" in Ephesians 6:17 that speaks into today, or . She gave them to me when I became a born-again believer. A prophetic word is when God gives someone else who is filled with His Holy Spirit a glimpse into your future or your now to encourage you, and it really should be encouraging. 2. But He does remind us to live aware, not to be surprised, to be wise and watchful. A knowing or Inner witness (Christ in you). (I did, see below). What I haven't mentioned yet, is the timeliness of any given prophetic message. But there is a right way and a wrong way to seek God for His prophetic direction. It is all about the "house of creation" or "beginning of the universe.". Request Prophetic Word - Fathers Heart Ministry God has a Voice. This is the prophetic word for 2022 that the Lord spoke to me: "It is the year of My sufficiency. Because He's . GLORY FIRE CHURCH. Ever hope . 3. Prophecy: God's Word For Now. He's god. And it's going to burn up everything in sight, it's going . Source:https://www.spreaker.com/user/13990609/prophetic-word-god-said-stop-doubting G O D H E A L S, G O D L O V E S Heyyyyy Children of God! ". A prophetic word should be speaking what is truth and not what is true. The Daily Prophetic Word is prophetic insight into what God is saying or doing right nowtodayto strengthen, encourage and comfort you. Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America, is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA, and is the author of several books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. You have been insufficient in and of yourself, but I have never failed you. You'll better understand this by pulling one string from the sweater. You shall not be one of those women who go through challenges of life without the support of their spouse. Theologians may consider Amos a "minor" prophet, but the man of God offered some major revelations that serve believers well today. 2) It cannot purport to make new revelation or inspiration. There's always an element of faith involved. "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.". It should be calling you into your destiny. Prophets love verses like Amos 3:8, which declares that "the Lord has spokenwho can but prophesy?" That's why the psalmist wrote that we are to open our mouths and allow God to fill it with words (Psalms 81:10). When you break up the uncultivated ground of your heart and purpose to seek Me, My righteousness will rain on you, My salvation overflows in every way in your life. God uses prophets, but when you have a deep relationship with Christ, you are likely to discern his word. And I've got a prophetic word about what he has done. Add that to the Hebrew letter/number for two, which is "Bet," and the year 82 explodes! During a turning point season, you may feel out of kilter. 4. He will Not Leave You without Answers For Your Life! Posted by Unknown at 10:24 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Before you seek a word from God, lift your hands with an attitude of unconditional surrender and be willing to obey what He says. In order to receive a word from this ministry, I simply ask the below things: You must have already prayed, and sought the Lord yourself, and when I say sought, I mean SOUGHT! Who is he? They are those who will not bow or submit to the evil agenda of the world or of the plans of the adversary. Jacob's faith was put to the test, but he reminded God of his prophetic words, and he received abundant blessings from the Lord. Source:https://www.spreaker.com/user/13990609/prophetic-word-god-said-stop-doubting G O D H E A L S, G O D L O V E S Heyyyyy Children of God! Dreams 7. The Father Says Today: May 30th, 2022. Use the form below to request a prophetic word for yourself or your loved one. My conversation with the Lord today: Me: "What are you thinking, God? Intercessors and worshippers love Amos 9:11, which promises the restoration of the tabernacle of David. Prophetic Meditation Audio. Why is this process of deliverance dragging out so long?". God wants me to pray for as many people as possible to build up His people worldwide. Speaking through the prophet Isaiah, the Spirit of the Lord orders His people: Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Just a single word can get you going into the prophetic. Be pliable. "Bereshit" means "in the beginning.". They can impart hope, healing, guidance, direction, vision, strength and many other positive things. They can also protect us from wasting time going in wrong directions or warn us of demonic assignments . The Lord God - Mighty and Strong - Fierce in battle; the cry of the afflicted is not forgotten nor will the hope and expectation of My Children tarry any longer. Me: "For what?". God is working behind the scenes to bring transformation, revival and awakening. When a believer commits himself to Christ, he gave the benefit of speaking to that believer directly. You may have a regular place where you pray and meet with God. . There will be an increase in wickedness in this world, and many will grow distant from God in their love and stand for Him: Slide 4 of 7. The prophetic gift allows you to see what God is doing. Prophetic elders are those people who restore prophets and help them get back on the right path. First name. The waves are all different, but they are constantthe ocean doesn't stop. They can impart hope, healing, guidance, direction, vision, strength and many other positive things. Prophetic elders play a major role in the judging of prophecy because they can comfort the prophet or prophetic person who has spoken a word presumptuously or out of season. Request Personal Prophetic Word, how do I do This? After all, you were created to know His voice and to hear Him speak to you (John 10:4-5). For example, if someone prophesies to a married person that they are to divorce their spouse and marry them, you can bet it is not from God because the Word does not promote such behavior. Naim Collins Ministries is a non-profit organization based in Wilmington, Delaware by Prophet Naim Collins. Welcome. For example, rather than confidently asserting "Thus saith the Lord" or "God is leading me . You must be willing to hear whatever God wants to speak to you about any given circumstance or situation. Prophetically designed and recorded to guide the listener into deep meditation. In closing, Romans 5:1-5 states, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access . Experience for Yourself the life changing True Word of The Lord and Prophetic Gifting of Steven Robert Svec and be Encouraged in Christ Jesus. But know that you are not strong enough to carry even the smallest of them by yourself. First, ask the Spirit to teach you about prophecy. She and her husband founded Crossroads Community Church in 1998 where her husband serves as lead pastor. 3. (1 Corinthians 13:9) It is important that before you make any major changes in life that you take time to pray and to seek God's will. Ask him to guide you as you examine this gift and seek it, for the upbuilding of others. Cast your cares on Me, over and over; even if you have to lay down and rest on purpose, just to stab the devil in the eye. Prophetic words can be powerful. Humility should characterize anyone offering a prophetic word or claiming a leading from God. God even gave Wayne revelation of what I do for a living without me saying anything to Wayne! Any prophecy that violates any express or implied teachings of Scripture is false ( 1 John 4:1-7 ). Prophetic people must put on their priestly garments and spend quality time in the presence of God,. You Are Blessed If You Have Found This Video Today | Jesus Sent You This | Prophetic word | god message today | #AllAboutInnerselfCristian meditation | god's. Refuse to get over into worry and stress, for I am with you to deliver you," says the Lord. Here is what we must do with a prophetic word. The Prophetic Word: Elohim, the Ancient of Days, who laid the foundations of the earth and displays My Handiwork in the heavens. This is your LORD GOD CREATOR speaking to you! Jacob's faith was put to the test, but he reminded God of his prophetic words, and he received abundant blessings from the Lord. Jennifer Eivaz, Turlock, CA. Before the Incarnation of God the Son, God spoke . When we listen with the ears - and watch with the eyes - of faith, we are putting our trust in God. We don't have to be alarmed. Request Personal Prophetic word and get Spiritual Commumication from God from a Proven Source in the Arena of Personal Prophecy So go and request Your Personal Prophetic Word Now at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (propheticinsights4u.com) God is waiting for you to reach out in Faith, and He will Answer Your most intimate . I see you going around, picking up broken pieces of beautiful glass and making it a pattern The kaleidoscope means, as you prophesy, you are launching people. And that's a good thing. He's the great teacher of the saints who Jesus promises will "guide you into all the truth" ( John 16:13 ). Prophetic Word for 2022 January 19, 2022 Sharing is caring. To know if a prophecy is scriptural, we must . Last name. Matthew 24:12-13. The priestly dimension must return to prophetic people. 6. If you need it, You can contact us. 6. The LORD is raising up men and women for an end time revival. Be interruptible. He didn't confirm that prophetic word He gave you over and over just for the sake of a . It may come from a brother or sister in the pew, or from a platform minister speaking in the authority of the prophetic. J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years and now serves as . You will not need to fight in this battle. Even if a person is in sin, a prophetic word rarely exposes that, it calls them out to who they are meant to be. Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. You see the beauty in others, but you can only see the beauty in others if you hold it up to the light. At any moment, God can quicken a sentence, word, thought, or picture into our minds. A word about discernment. Follow that thought through this passage in chapter 14 1. In a nutshell, many people hear the voice of God but they hear His voice differently. Remember that I am in control of all. Prophecy can help us in this process BUT it must not . This pristine track by Prophetess Yasmin will bring you in sync with your higher powers for maximum relation, while opening the ear to receive from the Spirit. This is a unique trait of a Christian. Be open to the Holy Spirit's call to take special times apart when you need to hear a word from God. This is the season of the open door. Word #2: "I feel your fatigue and your burdens. A prophetic message will include one or more of the following: Word of Knowledge - confirms revelation which reveals past or present situation. Welcome. A good starting point for testing a word is to go into a season of prayer and fasting. Or someone might share something without even declaring it was a prophetic word, but God tells you that it is. The first place to go is to Scriptureas you read and meditate on God's Word, allow the Holy Spirit to minister a fresh word to your personally. It is the prophetic symbol of a tent or house. On the National Day of Prayer (May 7), during the event held in the Rose Garden at the White House, the Special Assistant and Spiritual Advisor to President Trump, Pastor Paula White Cain, gave the President to the United States a prophetic word ().Pastor Paula's word included many elements, but the most impactful came at the end of her prayer: "You will recover all." 8487 views |. Then the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and said, "You're not interpreting dreams right now because people need to know how to interpret the times." His response was totally unexpected but immediately life-giving. And sometimes, you will read something in your Bible, and later receive the word which. Supernatural senses. And if you can identify with being in transition, be assured that God has gone before you. Valued at $19.95, this is a must-have addtion to your daily routine. Wayne really hears from God as the personal prophetic word I received from him was 100% accurate. I don't want you to tell us what you are seeking the Lord for . The . It burns around us, it burns in us, it burns over us and when we gather together the fire gets brighter and brighter and I tell you there's going to be a fire, a raging fire that's going to go across this region. Here are some guidelines that will help you: 1. Ask God to Confirm the Word For You. - 2 Chronicles 20:17. Not a door by which something you understand and approve of will enter in, but rather a door for you to step out of what you know and into what I have planned for you in this next assignment. Word of Wisdom - conditional revelation which requires doing something for it to be realized. Order Now. TikTok video from Need Prophetic word (@dailypropheticword): "Swipe to the left to receive a free prophetic word today, I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying access. Request Personal Prophetic word and get Spiritual Commumication from God from a Proven Source in the Arena of Personal Prophecy So go and request Your Personal Prophetic Word Now at Request Personal Prophecy | Personal Prophecy 4U (propheticinsights4u.com) God is waiting for you to reach out in Faith, and He will Answer Your most intimate . Do you not know, your names are inscribed on the . We need to pray like the Apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesians, that we would receive the "Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of our hearts enlightened" (Eph. 2. It simply means that a person who speaks words that are not from God is called a 'false prophet' or a prophet of another god. "Prophetic Words Need Prophetic Wisdom". God is releasing this fresh, new seer anointing right now to help us get through the . The bible encourages us all to discern any words that are given to us (1 Corinthians 14:29). God said in the Book of James, "Behold I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will remain true to you until I have done what I have spoken to you.". elijahlist.com. God will finish what He started. Email address. 1. It's not wrong to want a prophetic word, or to look to the prophets to see what God is saying, but a word that God personally speaks to you one-on-one is even better. For those who still have no experience with the prophetic we give some directives below: The received word should at all times be geared to the written word: the Bible. Prophecy is uttering the message of God for a specific time. I was really encouraged that God really hears me because Wayne revealed in my personal prophecy what my heart's desires have been before the Lord. When you learn how to prophesy over someone, one of the very first things you should understand is this: Prophecy is very much God's word for now. God kept us His part of the covenant. We can feel things (emotions of our soul and in our bodies). This means inviting God in and punching holes through the word to see if there is anything wrong with it. Request Personal Prophecy or Request Prophetic Word from Steven who is considered one of the most Accurate Personal Prophetic Voice's on the Earth Today with Testimonials following. Prophetic Declaration: You shall not be one of those women who are married yet alone. In part, because the pathway ahead is uncertain. Jane Holland Prophetic Words Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Need a word from God today? Prophetic Access. I hope you'll receive a special blessing that will enrich your life! You will receive by mail the words that we've received for you. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!'. As with many things in the Christian life, we recommend that the recipient of a supposed prophetic word start with 1 John 4:1, "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." Bet is the first letter all of Hebrew scripture. . Second, since the Spirit is the giver of the gift of prophecy, ask him for it. Another big thing you can do if you are not quite sure the word is from the Lord is to just go back to God in prayer and ask Him to confirm His word for you. First, being a Christian means hearing straight from God. But the seer gift operates like the head with all the senses operating through the Holy Spirit. We need to get back in position and stay on course as God's Spiritual Family and not be distracted, disillusioned or distressed by worldly discourse and decisions. We will respond to you via return e-mail. To tell the people what God is saying to them. This G. Prophetic words can be powerful. Request a Prophecy . Instead of focusing so much on understanding messages in the night, He needs us to accurately discern what is happening in . The Bible tells us how we hear from God: "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world" ( Hebrews 1:1-2, ESV ). . Thus, a prophet in the bible refers to a spokesperson of God. I have given you many signs now from many directions. " Prophetic Word for 2022 The Revealing of the Sons of God (Part 2) " The Holy Spirit showed me several things for the upcoming year 2022. He is a fire, His love is like a fire. This is a viable and potent way that God speaks to His people. I am giving you many Words now from many directions. What more do you need to hear to believe MY children? Put your trust in Me, both my helpless ones, and you to whom I have entrusted them. God: "When I put Trump back in office, the demons are going to have a fit. In renewalist, Pentecostal, Charismatic circles there are times that you will receive a "Word" from God. Get answers from God so you can move ahead into your life of sucess and true happiness! He never tells us to live in fear, worry, or dread of what's to come. Now, here is the key of the prophetic word because the prophetic word is the revelation of god in an existing truth that has not come to pass but it's already . For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. I have described the events that are happening now in MY Book. "I will raise you up as a leader, a leader to prophets and to those who see and discern," were words I heard in my heart over and over again over the course of years. We see this in Isaiah 29:10, He has sealed your eyes (the prophets); he has covered your heads (the seers). The bigger the word and the riskier the word, those are the words that I would take seriously enough to REALLY test. Address. Open visions (This is where the eyes are open and one sees spiritual things as if they appeared normal to the natural eyes). God will make your husband a strong support and a man who backs you up in prayers. When God speaks, it not might always be what we want to hear, but God desires to tell us what He wants us to know about ourselves. You must know that the . They are prophetic words my mom got in a Bible Study almost 30 years ago! 3. Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word - Position Yourself for God's Blessings. They can also protect us from wasting time going in wrong directions or warn us of demonic assignments . They, too, are powerful. First of all, we must determine if it lines up with scripture. Caution will demand that we will need confirmation for every prophetic word we receive. Your destiny is where God sees you in the future and a prophetic word gives you a sense of what & where that is. Prophecy can never be in contrast with the written word of God. God said in the Book of James, "Behold I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will remain true to you until I have done what I have spoken to you.". Request Personal Prophetic Word, how do I do This? Now armed with this understanding, when we receive a genuine prophetic word then we should ask for prophetic wisdom too. The people needed only to understand the prophetic reason for it. Address. Be sendable, spendable and bendable. What is true is where we are now and it might be an absolute bog hole, what is truth is who and where God is calling us to be and it gives hope to get there. Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you. The Word of God states plainly---no, it commands those at the end of the age to be fearless in the face of darkness! Be Sure Your Prophecy Is From God: Hearing Prophetic Words With Faith When we listen to God, we can never be 100% certain that we heard him, or that we got it all right. God has turned the story upside down in the land of the prophet Amos, and in the hills where David shepherded his flocks. This is one area that gets many Christians into major trouble. God Says |Gods Message Today | God is Saying to You |Prophetic Word #Godmessage #godhelps #lordjesusYou're blessed if you have found this video today. Read God's Word regularly. Allow Me to bend you like wheat in the wind. We see in part and be prophecy in part. It is called a divinely inspired utterance or revelation. Either way you do not want to step out on any one's word without first receiving confirmation through two or more witnesses. Many Christians crave a "direct" word from God, yet they refuse to spend time reading . Put on your priestly garments. I have sent forth many with visions and dreams and warnings. TO RECEIVE FREE WRITTEN PROPHETIC WORD WITHIN 7 HOURS FILL IN YOUR DETAIL BELOW. The Father says today, when you sow in righteousness, you reap according to mercy. Never be too proud to seek after the help you need; I have already provided it. 4. All of this is happening while the world is becoming a spiritual desert, barren and without life. The Lord wants you to know that His hand is upon you at the . Emotional Piano for the Soul (Inspirational Background Music). God wants you to be a part of the miracle of . It feels like you're staring at a half finished dream, a half completed house, a half painted painting, but HE WILL complete what He said He would do. (1 Corinthians 14:3) Imagine you're standing on a beach looking out at the ocean as wave after wave rolls in. If God gives us a gift it is our responsibility to understand why He has given it and how we are to use it. Prophetic Words. God kept us His part of the covenant. Posted on August 26, 2021 by Wanda Alger in Prophetic Word // 23 Comments.
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